
The Real Risk From An IRS Audit by Targeted Tax Relief

The Real Risk From An IRS Audit by Targeted Tax Relief

You see that piece of mail in your mailbox with the IRS letterhead, and the fear of an IRS audit kicks in. (Unless, of course, you've "been there, done that", and you had us on your side). But the natural fear of what the IRS might be wanting to tell you (the dreaded...

CNC Status: Helping Las Vegas Taxpayers in Debt to the IRS

CNC Status: Helping Las Vegas Taxpayers in Debt to the IRS

Owing money to the IRS isn’t so bad. Say what now? Yep, that’s right. It’s not such a terrible thing. Well ... as long as you’re broke, that is. Because if you have significant income or assets, the IRS is going to do everything they can to squeeze every last dime out...

How To Handle Your Las Vegas Company’s Payroll Taxes

How To Handle Your Las Vegas Company’s Payroll Taxes

It's no secret that for many people who get in hot water with the IRS, a very common reason is payroll taxes. For many, they aren't filing properly, "assuming" that their bookkeeper is handling it or their payroll software. But that isn't necessarily the case, I'm sad...

4 Tips for Las Vegas Taxpayers Owing the IRS

4 Tips for Las Vegas Taxpayers Owing the IRS

For many Las Vegas individuals, families, and businesses, it can seem that the government has simply been throwing money around and not paying attention to what is done with it, or collecting what is due. But if you believe that the IRS won't come hunting for ways to...